Boost Visibility with Authentic Copywriting and SEO

artworkIn the digital world, content is king, especially when it includes search engine optimization (SEO). This strategy improves a website’s visibility in search engine rankings. With millions of websites competing to get on the first page of Google, boosting visibility and attracting the attention of potential customers is essential. 

Search engine optimization is a great way to improve a website’s content to achieve higher rankings in search engine results, increasing the likelihood of your website getting noticed, and gaining those coveted clicks. Why? Because clicks eventually translate into more clients, revenue, and profits.

This strategy can positively impact a website’s online position and distinguish it from competitors. So, how does an SEO strategy work? Read More

8 Tips to Creating Powerfully Compelling Calls-to-Action          

Call to Action graphicWhat’s all the hype about your call to action? Yes, it’s truly a must-have for your digital marketing. Because we like shortcuts and acronyms, we affectionately refer to your call to action as a CTA. In short, your CTA is an invitation for existing and potential customers to take a specific action. The action could be making a purchase, subscribing to a newsletter, downloading a free guide, or clicking a link.

This all-important, and very specific, step in your marketing encourages action. And let’s be honest about the strength of our CTA. Is it compelling? Does it resonate with our audience? Is there a sense of urgency and reward?

Your well-crafted CTA

What is the benefit of this crucial marketing element? By learning the art of creating a powerful CTA, you can improve the success of your marketing efforts by increasing conversion rates, click-through rates, and, ultimately, sales.  Read More

It’s Time to Go Beyond One-Size-Fits-All in Your Copywriting

Personalize copywriting artworkAre you a service-based business owner? If so, you’ll likely agree that one-size-fits-all copywriting isn’t the best way to reach your ideal audience. Regardless of your company size, personalizing your marketing content is more important than ever.

In today’s highly competitive market of seemingly endless choices, personalization has become a crucial strategy for service-based businesses. You want to meet your clients where they are—understand their trials and their aspirations—and offer a solution. 

Craft personalized content 

It is no longer enough to offer generic marketing copy. Customers crave unique and relevant interactions that make them feel valued and understood. Your focused efforts will powerfully enhance your copywriting and distinguish your business from the competition. Read More

Easily Attract Your Ideal Clients with Effective Testimonials

Testimonial logoIn today’s digital landscape, client testimonials are a powerful tool for showcasing a customer’s experience with a business. Great testimonials go beyond just positive feedback; they serve as a valuable endorsement for attracting new clients. 

Beneficial? Yes! Yes! Yes! 

Client testimonials are incredibly beneficial because they give potential customers real-life examples of how a product or service has solved a problem. Their testimonials can be inspiring success stories that offer a personal perspective your audience can easily relate to. Read More

Are You Creating a Winning Voice for Your Service Brand?

Photo desk laptopToday, businesses are no longer just selling products or services. They are selling experiences and emotions. Even more importantly, they are selling connections. An effective brand voice is one crucial element that ties all these aspects together and helps make those valuable connections.

Think of your brand voice as the personality or persona of your business. The best place for a business personality to shine through and distinguish itself is in your copywriting content. Whether on websites, ads, or emails, your brand persona should be your consistent way of speaking to your target audience. No piece of content should be written without including your distinct brand voice. Read More

Conscious Copywriting: Storytelling to Awaken Your Audience

Storytelling artworkEveryone loves a good story. By sharing a compelling story, you will have initiated relatable communication with your audience and will gain significant advantages toward achieving your business goals. 

You know best how your services have successfully solved problems. An excellent way to communicate that is by telling a good story.


Use this superb tool for creating meaningful content that connects with customers’ life experiences and keeps them engaged. Read More

3 Steps to Confidently Upgrading Your LinkedIn Profile

3 Steps to Confidently Upgrading Your LinkedIn ProfileAre you feeling like there isn’t enough time to update your LinkedIn profile or make the most of this versatile business tool? You’re not alone. We hear this often and don’t want you to miss the abundant opportunities.

You can easily expand your network and provide insights and information that are truly helpful for your intended audience.

Ready to get on track in 3 easy steps? These are for you:

1. Quarterly Review
Schedule time on your calendar each quarter to review your profile information. Make sure it’s current, complete, and speaking to your audience.  Read More

Essential Steps to a Successful Marketing Content Strategy

Content Marketing StrategyIn our recent LinkedIn poll asking readers what they would most happily devote 5 minutes to reading about, 40% of viewers replied that their greatest need was to Develop Content Strategy.

Here’s a quick overview—at much less than 5 minutes!

When working with our clients, here are the critical questions we discuss first:

  1. What is your business focus and mission?
  2. Who are your ideal clients—those that you would love to serve all day?
  3. Which social media platforms are you using and how successfully? 
  4. How are your website and landing pages working for you?
  5. How is your brand perceived or does it need a jumpstart?
  6. What would you consider success in your marketing efforts? 

Read More

Your Secret Sauce Unleashed! Courtesy of Your MN Website Copywriter…

Smash the eight ball

What a difference we make when we show up fully and play to our strengths! It requires a desired outcome, commitment, and a plan. You can play to win or dabble in the parts that have the most allure. Here’s a steady win:

Acquire coaching and outsourcing
Strategize and commit to success
AND never underestimate your potential!

We can’t be all things to all people, but we can be everything our clients need to make a huge difference in their lives and their businesses. If there are elements of the strategy that aren’t in our zone of brilliance, we can still move forward. Outsource. Collaborate. Overcome. Read More

The Flying Shoe and the Eureka Moment About Your Website Marketing Content

The Flying Shoe and the Eureka Moment About Your Website Content

When my daughter was young, she turned cartwheels as often as she could find the space. One day, we were on the second floor of the mall when, suddenly, she turned a cartwheel, and her shoe went flying, over the escalator on a downward plunge, striking an unsuspecting woman on the first floor. Imagine our fright!

The bewildered woman was looking everywhere for an explanation. We rushed to check on her and make our apologies. Luckily, she was fine, and with a good sense of humor too. 

Sometimes we can get hit with something that seems to come out of nowhere. It’s that Eureka moment. Read More