It’s Time to Boost Your “Like” Factor

Boost your business like factor

We’re talking about the Know, Like, Trust factors that are so critical in growing our businesses. This concept reminds us that before clients work with us, they need to feel comfortable with us on the Know-Like-Trust scale. We previously discussed the Know Factor, and now we’re progressing up this curve to gain recognition, respect, new business, referrals—and quite possibly—friends!

Build your Like Factor

One way to boost your Like Factor is to be giving, attentive, and authentic. We can get out to meet with people in-person or online. We can talk by phone or send email greetings or cards in the mail. In all these ways, we want to focus on the other person to find out more about them and what we may have in common.

Be genuinely interested. Ask questions to find out more. When getting to know someone, we don’t need a sales agenda. Rather, we can set a goal of finding out more about the other person to learn what’s important to them, how we can help them, make introductions, and be a resource for them.

A fresh approach

Another way to grow the Like Factor is through your copywriting. This may be the most overlooked method, and there are more ways than you’d think to enhance your likeability through your writing.

Through your written marketing copy, you are driving brand awareness and highlighting your values, mission, and services. And while you help readers get to Know you, you are opening the door even wider for them to genuinely Like you.

Nurturing your relationships

  1. Website copy
    When writing your website copy, think of the audience you love to serve. Talk openly about what they need and want and how your services provide that solution. Write to them like a friend (which you will be) to let them know you care and are there for them. There’s nothing pushy or offensive about that.

  2. Blogs, newsletters, emails, and direct mail
    These marketing gems are another way to serve. When you write on topics of interest, you are creating goodwill and showing that you are willing to share your expertise and help readers find the solutions they need. In an approachable manner, you are inviting them to get to know you better.

  3. Ad copy and video scripting
    These two can stand alone or go hand-in-hand. As with other marketing pieces, your ads and videos will speak directly to your preferred audience. In this case, you need to be clear, concise, and welcoming.

  4. Social media posts
    You are creating posts anyway, so why not design one with a specific person in mind? You can mention them in your post as someone with a particular talent or offer. Extending genuine praise is a great way to place someone in the spotlight. The key here is “genuine.”

  5. Social media interaction
    Another way to leverage social media is to follow their posts and write a thoughtful comment. On LinkedIn, you can click the “bell” at the top of their profile to be notified of future posts. When you know a post would be especially useful for your network, you can also Share or Repost it. Your considerate gestures will be appreciated.

  6. Handwritten notes and cards
    How many personal notes do you receive in the mail? Many of us don’t even need to go to the mailbox more than once a week. However, there’s always a big smile when we receive a personal card. Whether you send a business-branded card or a card off the shelf, it will go a long way to building the Like Factor.

  7. Providing resources and information
    As you become better acquainted with people in your network, you’ll learn more about their interests and concerns. In addition to writing an article, you can send an article of interest to them with a handwritten note or email it with a quick note and an emoji. Let them know why you thought they would be interested.

  8. Mind maps
    If you’re a fan of mind maps, you can create a personalized sketch highlighting a topic of interest, a how-to, or an outline of a book or course. If your contact has written a book, you could create a mind map of the main points and send it to them to demonstrate the value you received from reading it.

Your copywriting can be a marvelous addition to enhancing your Like Factor. Enjoy those deeper relationships you’ve developed through your thoughtful actions!